Effectively manage the information of your Vendor. Remember, your Vendor list is your most valuable resource. Store and organize them in GrowLibro as an individual or an organization.

Add a Vendor in your Vendors page:

  1. There are three ways to add a Vendor in GrowLibro:

    1. On the left sidebar, click on [+] of Vendors.

    2. Or you can start via your Dashboard page by clicking then select Vendor. If you are viewing your Bills list, you can click the button found on the upper right side of your screen.


    3. Or you can click on the Add New button in the Vendors page.


  2. Fill out the following information.

    1. If the vendor is An Individual, Contact’s first and last names are required.

      For An Organization, the required field is the Organization or Business Name.

    2. Choose your vendor’s Country from the drop-down menu.

    3. Select the preferred Currency your vendor will operate with.

    4. The Email Address will be assigned to the vendor’s primary contact. This is where all email notifications and invoices for this vendor will be sent.

    5. Input fields are provided for Phone, Address and Notes.

  3. Click Save & Return

  4. The new vendor is added to the Vendors list. To edit the vendor’s information, just click the edit.


    You can also Archive or Delete the vendors by selecting on the corresponding checkboxes, click on the gear icon, and selecting the appropriate action.


Add a Vendor by importing vendor information using a CSV file:

  1. Click Vendors in the left-hand side menu.


  2. On the Vendors Page, click

  3. Click the Download CSV File link. For a seamless import of data into GrowLibro, the structure of the template must be followed. Input the information applicable for each label or header.

  4. Be sure to save the modified file in CSV format.

  5. Press Select File and find the CSV you’ve prepared for importing. Click Upload CSV File.

  6. Click Close. You will automatically see the uploaded vendor name/s on your screen.


Add a Vendor while creating an invoice or quotation:

  1. Under New Invoice and New Quotation pages, you can click the New Client link to create a new vendor for your invoice or quotation.